Property Tax Administration in Texas
Understanding the duties of the Property Tax Assistance Division of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts office
Property taxes are administered at the local governmental level in Texas, however, all entities that levy property taxes have to play by the same rules. The setting of rates, the collection of taxes, and the methodology in determining property values must be uniform, regardless of the appraisal district that you reside in.
As such, the State of Texas—specifically the Office of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts—does not intervene in local tax matters. However, the Property Tax Assistance Division (PTAD) is allowed to provide technical assistance to local governments and property taxpayers.
The below pamphlet, courtesy of the Texas Comptroller’s office outlines the duties of the Property Tax Assistance Division. We provide you easier access to this document as an additional point of reference to help you fully exercise your rights as a property taxpayer in Texas.